Rwanda Civil Society Platform


  • Posted Opportunities 1

Company Description

The Rwandan CSOs have been resilient and creative over the last decade: many organizations have managed to survive despite an
unfortunate reduction in external funding and most of them have since renewed or established strong partnership with donors and
government. They also have agreed to regroup under one platform in order to maximize synergy and to have a stronger voice in their effort.
to influence policy-making and sustainable development processes in the country.
The environment is fast-changing: the Rwandan Government has strengthened its political and economic stability-which constitutes a
golden opportunity for the CSO to garner more influence and bring in improved contribution. The development partners, especially bilateral
and multilateral agencies, are willing to work closely with both the government and the CSO in a bid to better coordinate interventions.
aimed at tackling poverty and enhancing good governance.
The recent and current performances of Rwandan Government are the result of a well-coordinated effort in policy reforms and other record-breaking policy initiatives in various sectors, notably the macro-economic management, the investment policy environment overhaul, the
decentralization reform and the gender equality enhancing across the public service.

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