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Company Description
Israel and two other AEE Rwanda staff were murdered during the genocide. The Havugimana Israel Guest House, based at the Kabeza campus of AEE Rwanda, stands in honor of our first leader.
AEE Rwanda rebuilt after the 1994. We revamped existing and established new programs while staying committed to evangelizing Rwanda in “word and deed in partnership with the church”.
For more than thirty-five years, AEE Rwanda has helped to transform lives, lifting people – regardless of their faith or background – from spiritual and material poverty. Over the decades, often in partnership with local churches, we have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Rwandans while spreading the love of Christ through the great nation of Rwanda.
We have supported people in their darkest hours with what they most needed and integrated our faith in ways that were responsive and sensitive to the context and culture while remaining true to our Christian values.
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