Request for Quotations (RFQ) for the Development of IT Solutions to Improve Business Efficiency for Rwanda Private Sector Associations and Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMES) in High Value Agriculture Export Sector

Tender @Reasearch Triangle Institute(RTI)International in Tenders
  • Post Date : September 25, 2024
  • Apply Before : October 7, 2024
  • 0 Application(s)
  • View(s) 25
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Request for Quotations (RFQ)

Commodity/Service Required:

Development of IT solutions to improve business efficiency for Rwanda Private Sector Associations and Small to medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) in high value agriculture export sector.

Type of Procurement:


Type of Contract:

Firm Fixed Price

Term of Contract:

18 months from date of award

Contract Funding:

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

This Procurement supports:

Feed the Future Rwanda Kungahara Wagura Amasoko

Submit Proposal to:

Date of Issue of RFQ:


Date Questions from Supplier Due:


Date Proposal Due:


Approximate Date Purchase Order Issued to Successful Bidder(s):

To be Determined

Method of Submittal: All offers will be received through this email:

Respond via e-mail with attached document in MS Word / pdf format.

The Bidder/Seller agrees to hold the prices in its offer firm for 180 days from the date specified for the receipt of offers, unless another time is specified in the addendum of the RFQ.

Solicitation Number:

 FTF KWA 2024-51

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