
  • Posted Opportunities 1

Company Description

  • Vision: To be an innovative and sustainable provider of development finance for socio-economic impact.
  • Mission: A trusted strategic partner for Rwanda’s development that offers financial solutions for enhanced value to our stakeholders.
  • Passionate: We go the extra mile.
  • Innovative: We solve it differently.
  • Excellent: We continuously learn, unlearn and relearn.
  • Integrity: We always aim to do what is right..
  • Accountable: We are decisive and responsible.

For the bank to achieve its transformation role in Rwanda’s economy, the BRD Strategic Plan 2018-2024 outlines three (3) key strategic themes:

  1. Operational Excellence: Continuous improvement of our credit and risk management system, financial performance and customer services.
  2. Strategic Partnerships: Forming strategic partnerships to deliver our mandate is a key component of our core activities.
  3. Dynamic Culture: Continuously improving our pool of knowledge to have the most competent and skilled employees.
  • Short, medium, and long-term investment loans to projects in the priority sectors of the Rwandan economy – particularly Agriculture, Exports, Manufacturing & Infrastructure, Energy, Housing and Education.
  • Trade finance and payment system facilities and instruments to facilitate first class trade support to new and existing clients.The trade finance instruments include:
    • International incoming and outgoing transfers by SWIFT system
    • Documentary credits/issuing of Letters of Credit
    • Stand-By Letter of Credit (SBLC)
  • Lines of credit to new and existing clients and Participating Financial Institutions (PFIs—Commercial banks, Micro Finances Institutions, and SACCOs) under different projects (funds) through on-lending model to avail liquidity to the market so that these can then lend to final beneficiaries.
  • Guarantee Funds to cover the risks of prospective projects that impact on sustainable development. Several of these guarantee funds channelled and managed by the Business Development Fund (BDF) while a few others are granted and managed from other international partners.
    Our clients can benefit from guarantees and investment facilities such Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Guarantee Fund; African Solidarity Guarantee (FSA) and Rural Investment Facility Phase II.
  • Our clients (business promoters) can take advantage of advisory services and capacity building if they are struggling to turn their company ideas into bankable business plans or to manage projects during and after project implementation.
    The Bank also provides comprehensive capacity building programs in partnership with the Business Development Fund (BDF) to deliver business development services and training on optimal business management practices.

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